Newspaper Apology

My post yesterday dealt with an ad (from the so-called Institute for Canadian Values – don’t you just love the way certain people decide that their values are the ones for all of us?) beseeching government to stop confusing young children with questions about their gender and sexual orientation – especially regarding transgender issues.

Interestingly, just today, the newspaper in which the ad ran issued an apology for publishing it.

The paper is of a right-of-center political bent, so the apology may raise eyebrows further.

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Corrupting Children

I am bringing this up with precious little in the way of insight.  Hopefully, some of you will have something to offer on the subject.

The ad below (please click on it to enlarge it to readable size) comes from a local paper and expresses concern with efforts to teach young children about sexual and gender diversity. (The title of this post comes from the name of the website responsible for this ad.)

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Faux Transition

The “ Pretty Man ” experience set me thinking more and more about the idea.

If it proves possible to give voice to my feminine side without being a woman, then all the inner conflicts about whether I am two-gendered, or which gender I truly am melt away; the stigma of being trans, and the fear of discovery disappear.  I go back to being one person, with one name, one wardrobe and no secrets.

The first sign of trouble, though, came  the other night when I went out with friends, dressed in a tight-fitting mock turtleneck, narrow pants and somewhat feminine flats – all black. 

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Pretty Man

img_4455aFollowing on from the last post, I figure that as an exercise in personal evolution and introspection, I could try to give being a “pretty man” a try and see how it feels.

In some sense, it occupies a middle ground between regular guy and trans woman, so maybe I can find a way to get my mind around the concept.

As a start, I went out this past weekend to a party with friends, and then out for a late bite dressed as you see in the photo.  (I did not dare put on makeup.)

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Yowza Yaoi

I was introduced to the term “Yaoi” by a friend I met at Southern Comfort in Atlanta.  I may have spoken of her before.  She was one of the most beautiful t-girls I have ever met, feminine both in appearance as well as manner.

Not long after our encounter, she gave it all up – being a girl I mean – in favor of being a yaoi-type – a beautiful feminine man who liked sleeping with men – saying that there was no need to become female to do and be all the things he wanted to do/be; he could do them just fine as a man.

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