Corrupting Children

I am bringing this up with precious little in the way of insight.  Hopefully, some of you will have something to offer on the subject.

The ad below (please click on it to enlarge it to readable size) comes from a local paper and expresses concern with efforts to teach young children about sexual and gender diversity. (The title of this post comes from the name of the website responsible for this ad.)

corrupting children

Not having children, and never having thought about my gender identity or sexual orientation until a much later age, I am particularly ill-equipped to resolve the competing interests of opening young minds, teaching acceptance and making non-conformists feel more comfortable against confusing children, introducing age-inappropriate discussion, faith-based issues and the whole “Pandora’s Box” question.

I wonder whether I would have questioned my gender at a much more useful time in my life had I been introduced to these concepts then.  Alas, there is no way of knowing.

I wonder whether such instruction will result in a spike in people who see themselves as transgender in some way – and if so, whether this is a good or bad thing.  (I am guessing that this would largely depend on whether such self-characterization were accurate or delusional.)

I know we tgirls would probably like to see a world where gender is seen as something more flexible, and perhaps optional, than it is nowadays… a world where the words “man” and “woman” had become somewhat obsolete as descriptions of gender.

Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone was just a person – a person who could choose a gender role, and bed-mates, simply according to their desire?

Or would that all end up in mass confusion and the destruction of family formation?