
I am not accustomed to the political side of transgender life, so my attendance at today’s Trans March was a new thing for me.

As you can see from the photos, in the course of my participation, I happened to lend a hand to a couple of girls who were carrying a banner, and was photographed doing so.

Not a good idea for someone whose family and friends don’t know about my alter-ego. I had some concern I would end up on the front page of the newspaper and so made a point of checking the headlines and video.

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Pride Goeth Before the Summer

Being Pride Week hereabouts, I thought a post on Pride would be appropriate.  The title of this post is, of course, a play on the well-known biblical phrase from Proverbs.

So, what is Pride?  Well, depends who you ask.

These days, you are most apt to hear about it being a celebration of GLBT (+ an alphabet soup of other letters that have been appended thereto) rights, achievements, solidarity, community.

And, we have much to celebrate, and much awareness still to bring to the community at large; we have come far but have far to go.

But, much about the Pride parade has always made me uncomfortable. 

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Now Why Did I Start This?

Many of us t-girls struggle with doubts about whether what we are doing is natural or delusional, self-fulfilling or self-destructive… or is it just me?

The problem is one of perspective. 

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One with Nature

Sometimes it is nice to get outside on a beautiful day and commune with nature.

That was my inspiration today as I fled downtown after being stood up (that story another time).


One with Nature
So, I went for a walk on a trail,

among the birds and bees,

the leaves and trees,

the gravel and stone…

On my own,

really alone…

It put me at ease.



Look At Me! – Pictures

As I said recently, I had pictures taken of me by a pro photographer, with makeup done professionally as well.

We trans girls do love, as a rule, to have our pictures taken, and when they come out well, we love to share them.

And so, trading on whatever beauty – rather than brains – I can muster, I present a self-indulgent selection of shots.

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