transgender bathroom politics

Legal Protections for Transgender Folks

Shortly after the city of Phoenix passed a law broadly outlawing discrimination against transgender people, Republicans in the Arizona state government responded by proposing a law criminalizing the use of gender-designated bathrooms by people whose birth certificates don’t match that designation.

The justification given for such legislation is that, if people born male were allowed to go into women’s bathrooms, it would open the door to sexual predators sharing bathrooms with women and girls.

Evidently, boys are not worthy of protection.

Nor, it seems, are transgender people.

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dating advice

My Trans-Sexuality – Where I‘m Coming From

Here’s my dating advice for those of you interested in me or a trans woman like me…

Be a gentleman. It is so rare that you will instantly become a highly desirable commodity if you do that one little thing.

I understand that your sexual interest in me may have something to do with the ways in which I am different than a woman. You must understand that my interest in you will have everything to do with the ways in which I am the same as a woman.

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gender choice

Transgender – Gender Choice or Need?

In response to my previous post asserting that, for me, living a female life is a choice, one commentator expressed an interesting challenge to that thinking, and one that I feel deserves a post of its own in response:

I wonder if you were required to put Janie away how long it would be before her needs started to show up in ways that you might not expect or find comfortable. I’ve heard the same story from a lot of us that when their female sides were pushed out of sight she pushed back. Nothing is worse than a “T” girl scorned for she will become a real bitch until she is once again free. The free girl is pleasant and relaxed while the closeted one is anything but.

Into a not so scientific experiment? Why don’t you put Janie away and see how long it takes for the choice to become a need?

I don’t have to “put Janie away” for even a minute to realize that I would be pretty miserable without her. All I have to do is think about doing so and I start to get agitated.

That settles nothing, however.

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redhead tgirl in green dress portrait


In all my recent writing about contemplating an adjustment to the way I express my femininity, there is one huge presumption: that I have a choice.

This is not a popular concept within the transgender (or even gay) community, and I am not going to undertake the futile task of even suggesting that my feelings apply to anyone but me. Suffice it to say that there are those who believe that it is a stronger statement to say “I choose to be” than it is to say “I can’t help it,” though the latter has always been a better political argument.

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gender presentation

Mixed Up Gender Presentation

Despite being a mix of genders – at least when I am Janie – I try to come off as one or the other. And, I do so with good reason.

We live in society – y’know, among other people. 99% (a rough, but undoubtedly fair approximation) understand gender in the binary sense – and to a large extent, so do I.

Presenting oneself outside this presumption will surely turn heads, and likely noses too. If you have a renegade complex, maybe that suits you; it doesn’t me.

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