nail polish

Nail Polish Prison

I put nail polish on my fingernails a few days ago, and wow, what an incredible intrusion it has been in my life!

…no, not really in a bad way; more of an enlightenment really.

If ever I was given to wonder how consistently I can allow myself to be Janie, having nail polish on my hands has brought that into clear focus.

I can’t see my family or my friends. Taking out the garbage should not be done when neighbors are about. Certain restaurants are off-limits. When workmen come to the door, or deliveries, they will notice too.

It’s not just the restrictions about where I can go and whom I can see, but also holding my feet to the fire in terms of being Janie.

I can’t see anyone as a guy. I have to be fully Janie for all outings in terms of the image I project to others, and no less so, I have to be fully Janie all the time even when I’m alone in terms of my own self-image.

I never figured that nail polish would be such a catalyst, but these past few days have been quite interesting.

I finally removed the polish when I had to go get a blood test, with my official Canadian, government-issued medical ID. …thought long and hard about leaving it on, but ended up taking it off.

I imagined I would put it right back on after the blood test, but then I had to meet a worker, and after that, I didn’t have time to do it…

So, I am free of it for a bit. But, I am still female. It is just that I don’t have to be, and that I can change from one gender to the other in a matter of maybe 2 minutes when nail polish is not involved.

In a way, I kinda miss being restricted 😉