Just Couldn’t Do It

I never know how different I appear outwardly as compared to my inner self-perception …

Yesterday, I went out for dinner with someone whom I was excited to meet and whom I’d hoped to impress, but try as I  might, I couldn’t manage to feel my true girly self the whole night!

I couldn’t find the right posture, the right voice,  the right mood…

Maybe it had something to do with the mad dash I had to make in order not to be late – rushing to get ready, driving like… well, a man – an aggressive man, barely making it under the wire, etc.alittleouttasorts_thumb

Whatever it was, I guess I never had the emotional time I needed to settle into my Janie-self, and it never really came to me.

As nice a time as we had, I wasn’t really comfortable all night, and when I returned home, I quickly threw off the heels, dress, bra, and jewelry (picture things flying off in all directions – it was quite an emotional catharsis) and replaced them all with an oversize t—shirt and fluffy slippers… then, finally(!), I felt much better!

…in fact, I actually started to feel feminine… more specifically, a completely spent girl.  A wave of fatigue hit me…

So, I relaxed and watched a quick sitcom to unwind, and then went to sleep and dreamed nice dreams of my new friend 😉


I wonder if anyone else has had this experience of not being able to find their feminine self for a while… any insights?