The Insane Strain of Just Being Plain Jane

It’s raining today, and I often like to curl up and enjoy the mood that comes with the rain, or at least go out on the covered porch and listen to the soothing sounds of the falling water.

Nevertheless, I’m on my way out again today.  But, things aren’t working for me… maybe it’s the discord with the mood of the day, I don’t know.plain Jane in tights and schoolgirl skirtIt’s not like I am dressing for a nationwide television appearance.  I’m just trying to be a regular – albeit far from “normal” – girl just going about her affairs like anyone else.

I am gaining a deeper understanding of women’s dressing travails as I go.  I know it is hard for men to understand what in blazes took their gal an hour, when she comes down in some variation on jeans and a t-shirt.

Jeans and a t-shirt is a great look.  But sometimes, you just want something a little different – and that’s when the trouble starts.

I look “plain Jane” as Jane can be, and that’s what I was after.  But somehow, nothing seemed to work, and I was getting increasingly frustrated trying to make the simplest of looks work.  I must have tried on 10 pairs of shoes or boots – wrong color, wrong height, wrong fabric – and the same for my tops.

Not sure how it all turned out – you can judge for yourself – but I now see a few holes in my wardrobe.  Oh well, more shopping….