Just Be

I have run a few posts questioning my sanity and wondering whether I should be doing this tgirl thing.

In response, a friend (possibly tiring of my incessant whining 😉 ) wrote in and advised me to stop overthinking my existence and just enjoy being who I am – “one pretty, feminine girl,” in her words.

My first thought in answer to her comment was, “I wish I were as sure as you are.”

But, a more interesting thought followed on its heels, as I wrote my response to her comment.

I said then, “Believe me, if the world around me laid down a path to happiness lined with pink flowers and lace, I’d not think twice about it.”

As the words escaped my keyboard, their truth rang out.

It seems that what is not among the many uncertainties with which I am grappling, is any doubt that I would be perfectly happy to live as a woman.

Wow!  That realization was a surprise… and an important one.

I am now starting to see more clearly the problems that have given me pause.  Mainly, that they are externally generated.  The decision about whether being a trans woman is something I should pursue is not so much a question of my own desires as the consequences that such a decision brings.

If society were ok – really ok – with it, I would be happy to live as a female – and even happier to live as someone who could change back and forth from girl to boy (which is kinda where I’m at right now).

The love of being a gender traveler is compromised, however, by the very real consequences that attach to such behavior; friends would be lost – or at least friendships strained; employment or business success become a daunting challenge; family relations with me and with their own friends would be tested; and so on.

I am luckier than most in that my girlfriend is already on board, and that I feel like I have a choice.  But the question remains, “Is it worth it?”

That sounds like a much more manageable question. 😀