Undercover Girl

Getting out of the house without being seen, or at least without outing myself is becoming a major problem in my life these days, as I start to go out regularly during the day.img_8401a_thumb

Today, I was wearing a high-waisted short teal blue denim skirt with sexy white stockings, a blousy white top and black riveted belt.  The look was completed with my lovely Calvin Klein high-heeled boots.

The short, but exposed walk to my car in that outfit was bound to catch someone’s eye – after all, that’s part of the outfit’s appeal, isn’t it? Winking smile img_8394a_thumbObviously, I had to do something about it.  Taking needless and foolish chances is something I really should avoid, and though I assume I have gotten away with it in the past – you can never be sure – nothing is to be gained by taking this particular risk.  (BTW, if I have been caught in the past, please would someone just tell me so that I don’t have to bother with this pretense!!)

Anyhoo, I don’t want to have to dress at some other location, and neither do I want to make a big production out of my concealment efforts, so today, I simply put on a long coat and pulled a pair of red loose-fitting boy pants over top of my boots and right up over my skirt.img_8405a_thumbUndercover angel with girl clothes under the coatMy intrepid disguise is pictured.

I resent even having to do this much – and looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t even see the slightest trace of a guy – I thought I looked rather fetchingly feminine despite the disguise.

But, I guess the point is that you actually have to look – it doesn’t jump out at you the way a sexy skirt and heels might…

…good thing I took the precaution today, after all… as I walked out the door, there was a bunch of people gathered just next door.  They paid no heed, but it could have been different…