The Answer to My Prayers

I am, at times, very confused about who or what I am, and where this is taking me and my life. One minute, I can be ecstatic about being Janie, loving my femininity and my sexuality, tingling all over at the sheer energy I get from being her… and the next minute, I am wondering what kind of freak I am, why I pretend to be a woman when I am a man, how much of a destructive distraction all this is: harming my future, undermining my ambitions, risking my reputation, messing with my sexuality and threatening my relationship.

I think that one of the main impelling forces toward Janie’s emergence was sheer boredom with my life.

In some measure, I had worked all my life to achieve this so-called boredom.

Of course, that was not exactly my intention, but the primary things I looked for in myself and others were reliability and responsibility. Those are admirable qualities, but also near-synonyms for boring.

So, once I had a steady (read: boring) relationship, and a sensible and stable (read: boring, again) group of friends, and built a relatively comfortable (yawn!) level of income, I looked around and thought: “Now what?”

What? I’ll tell you what… I had an aching desire to reinvent myself and my life.

Out with the conservative career, and in with more passion and uncertainty. Out with numbers and logic; in with beauty and art. Out with talking; in with singing. Out with the vanilla; in with experimentation. Out with control; in with reliance.

Out with being the person everyone has always expected me to be.

When you think about it, Janie pretty much answers the call for change on all fronts, doesn’t she? (Could be that mischievous girl was the cause of all the disquiet in the first place too.)