Stuck Being Me

It was upon looking at some older pictures of myself that a distressing thought occurred to me… and often, as now, these thoughts become the subject of a blog post…

I fear that since I have become more womanly and authentic, I have also become a lot more… well, BORING!

Oh, don’t deny it! imgp0296a_thumb

Was a time, I’d wear pink hair and 6-inch heels…

…maybe a caricature, but certainly better for the amusement of others than what I am becoming – which is a fairly regular girl.  When one is counting on the attention of her viewers and readers, it is not by any means a given that “normal” is a good thing.t066ja_thumb

Nowadays, my sensibilities run towards sexy but realistic clothes rather than outrageous and impossible outfits (some of which admittedly I have never been willing to share anyways).

Since I go out a lot more, I have to wear shoes that I can actually get around in.  Ho hum…img_3329a_thumb

And, worst of all, my hair…

I have grown out my hair and I do love my playful reddish curls, styling my hair and above all, not having to wear an awful, artificial, overly hot and uncomfortable, worried-it’s-gonna-fall-off (or at least turn askew) wig!

But, this means I can’t change my hair color or length or style from one day to the next.  And, my real hair is so thick and voluminous that it’s no picnic trying to stuff it all into a wig, even just for a photo shoot. img_3327a_thumb

And that limits my ability to provide completely different looks and personalities.

So, I’m stuck just being me…

…pretty soon, I’ll just want to kick off my heels, and curl up my pretty little feet under my tight little bottom on the couch with a good book and a glass of wine…

…and no one will ever want to hear from me again…