Some Guys Have All the Luck

Lunch today was spent with a new friend, such a nice girl whose story is similar to many I have heard: Guy meets girl. Guy gets girl. Guy becomes girl. Guy is alone.

The crossdressers I have met, by and large, want just a little tolerance from their wives. Anything more is gravy. Only one has decided that was not enough and is well on her way to being alone despite what I understand to be a tolerant spouse.

Hopefully the experiences of others she has met socially and at conferences might convince her to rethink things a bit, because I hate to see her engineer her own unhappiness. Of course, if she feels she cannot find happiness unless she goes down that road, then who am I to judge?

For those of us who have partners who are understanding, or better (and rarer) still, those who “get it” – they enjoy the fringe benefits of being with a super duper dual-gendered individual – we are the lucky ones. I should just keep my mouth shut and thank my lucky stars.