Shoes - Flowery Sandals

Shoes First–Bass Ackward

Getting dressed has always been a pretty consistent process in my life.

Depending on the affair, choose the outfit, pick out a pair of shoes that match in both style and color, and off you go.

Well, not today.

I decided, based on a whim, that I wanted to wear a certain pair of shoes: my wedgie beige sandals with flowers on top.

It was my mood.

I wanted shoes with whimsy, and I wanted to show off my new pedicure.

So, the outfit had to be picked to match the shoes. Not the other way ‘round. A little backwards, I guess, but what fun is life if a girl’s light-hearted desires can’t turn things on their head?

Why do things always have to be done the “right” way?

I think one of the things I have always loved about women is how differently their minds work from men’s… how things that are irrelevant in the male mind can matter so much to the female, how what might appear disorganized in the man’s view is spiritually perceptive impulse and emotion in a woman’s.

…or a certain tgirl’s…

Suddenly realizing that I have done or felt something totally feminine – completely naturally and entirely unplanned in any way – puts a smile on my face.

It surprises me that I could come to be on the girl’s side of this when I have always thought my thought processes were categorically “male.”

Guess not.

Then again, it is only a pair of shoes…