Salon Experience

I had my hair done the other day and I have to say that I am coming to love the salon experience, even if it always ends with an obscenely large bill.results of the salon experience

A couple of years ago, I came to the conclusion that a wig was too artificial-feeling, too hot, and too fake-looking to allow me to be comfortable and feel natural being Janie.  I don’t judge others, and I realize many tgirls feel differently about this – or have no choice – but the way I come at this thing personally, internally, it really became a matter of self-respect for me.

So, I started by trying to find a sympathetic place where they would cut my hair in such a way that it could pass for a girl’s do, but still was a serviceable male cut.

A few sessions of that led me to the conclusion that if I was ever going to be happy with my girl look, my hair was going to have to be distinctly feminine.  I wasn’t going to reshape my face surgically, so my hair had to do it for me.

So, I took a risk and, in spite of knowing I was going to get some abuse from my male friends, I nevertheless decided to drop all pretense of a male hairstyle and have my hair done as a woman (and then do whatever I had to do to make it work as well as possible to survive as a guy). img_2397a-salon-perfect

Since then, getting my hair done has become both more enjoyable and more expensive.

It is one of life’s lovely sensuous experiences to have someone playing with your hair.  The process of doing my hair may be work for my (exotically beautiful) stylist, but from my perspective it amounts to a nice long session of someone playing with my hair.

That I come in looking like a frazzled frizzed-out freak and leave as a perfectly presentable and poised pixie is not only a major bonus but, well, the point of the exercise, right?