Pen-Pal Personified

Here I am sitting at a Starbucks, waiting for a brand new friend to arrive from out of town.

When I say “brand new,” I mean that I’ve never met her, but I have corresponded with her at great length online, and our rapport has been a kind of sexy and smart, whirling and twirling dance of magical comet dust in the sky among the stars.  Over time, our words have intermingled and procreated, producing fairy tales and flouncy flirting that have delighted and intoxicated us both.   

But a relationship of bits and bytes is different than one of snacks and bites… and talking and touching and feeling and seeing.  Much can be disguised, and deception is easy when the connection is made through mere letters appearing on a screen.  I doubted, though, that this was the case, given the extent and intensity of our pen-paliciousness.picture0041a_thumb

Suffice it to say, my heart is in my throat and has been for more than an hour, as I wait for her to arrive.

As I sit here, the mind wanders, tentatively…

It never occurred to me when setting up this meeting how long it has been since I wandered outside my home in broad daylight, or hung out at a cafe in a new neighborhood as my pretty ol’ self!

But here I am, and….. oh….. there she is!!

See ya!