tranny redhead in white hat smiling

More on Living Without Gender

(continued from Beyond Gender)

What we are talking about is the post-gender concept, the “Pejic Ideal,” so to speak: the relatively rare male that can, without body modification or assumption of womanhood, carry off a completely feminine look.

The guy who basically says, “I like feminine things, and if you mistake me for a woman, that’s on you not me.”

The guy who says, “I happen to enjoy the trappings of both genders and I dress in things I like and behave the way I feel. I don’t feel the need to be male or female in order to understand myself. I am just me. I realize that most others will need to put me in one box or the other, but if they do, they will find out things about me that just don’t fit their model. I can play along with people’s need to be able to understand me, but only now and then.”

Along these lines, I imagine him sitting at a gay bar; a guy might come up to him, sitting all yaoi-pretty and all and say, “ Um… guy, right?” To which he would shrug and say, “That’s entirely up to you, doll. I am just me.”

As interesting as this idea is, it is almost 180 degrees from my natural mindset of having to conceive of everyone in gender terms.

It is a bit paradoxical that I am pushing gender boundaries at the same time as I find great comfort in the most classic formulations of gender roles. Moreover, one feeds the other (?!)

This ideal is also a bit problematic in real life, even if it is something to ponder.

There is no real need to formalize a concept of one’s gender, but in practice it is hard to get away from seeing what’s so obviously in front of our faces. In order to understand the world, we have to organize things, and gender is one of the easiest ways to divide people up and gain a relatively reliable general sense of them.