Gender Envy

The grass may seem always to be greener on the other side, but take it from someone who’s walked a mile on both sides, it isn’t worth the gender envy.

Gender Envy by Men

Guys may think that women have it all.

After all, men are beguiled by women’s charms and desirability. And, men are driven to desire sex, while women seem to be able to have as much as they please and yet often decline to partake.

On the dating scene, men must put their egos on the line in pursuit of women, making the first move, risking rejection – and it may often seem that women have no shortage of options at their feet.

The Grass on the Other Side of the Fence

But, in fact, crossing over to the feminine side, one finds no less a desire for companionship and love; she may well be able to give him the things he is missing in his life, but in her shoes one suddenly finds oneself lacking the very things he has – or is. And so, the world isn’t that much different from the female perspective.

Though it is nice to have the attention of men, it is a more subtle challenge to attract the one you are interested in without the directness of simply making the first move. Though finding sexual partners is not that hard, finding desirable sexual partners is frustratingly challenging.

It seems it’s always Mr. Wrong who is the one who comes on to you.

We need our safety to be taken care of: our physical safety, our safety from disease, and our emotional safety.

Women may seem to have all the power, given that men have to ask and women get to decide, but that advantage lasts only until she says, “Yes.” From that point, he has her welfare in his hands and it is up to him to be a good guy – or not. Is he a liar, a scoundrel, a rogue, a cheat? Or can she trust him to be a sweetheart, a caring and devoted lover? That is why women tend to be careful and selective.

Everybody Needs Somebody Sometime

As much as he needs a wistful flower, a vision of beauty, an inspirational and spiritual charge, her compassion and caring, her personal insights and sensuality, she needs his power and efficiency, the comfort of the tenderness within his strength, his direct focus, his defiance and determination and even his immaturity.

Too chauvinistic? Maybe. But that’s me.

Men and women alike need each other, and need to be needed. That we naturally fill out the gaps in each other’s makeup, that we each have blind spots that are illuminated to the other, is what makes it work so well, even if it can lead to points of frustration along the way.

And, being one who has traveled both sides of the line, I have found it impossible to be all things at the same time, even if all those things may reside within me. I still need to pick a side and whichever side I choose is both desirable and needy at the same time.

No man is an island. No woman either.