

Thinking back on my just ended Vegas vacation with the Wildside girls, I always marvel at how easy it is for me to meet and connect with people there. It is all the more surprising because I have a terrible time of it in my regular life.

I think we all know that past a certain age, it is difficult to make friends; people are set in their ways, have their guard up and often simply just have enough people to deal with in their lives.

But, I have noticed that t-girls are different – at least the ones I have met at Wildside and even at other t-get-togethers.

The explanation is fairly straightforward.

img_7727a_thumbObviously, our lifestyle is hell on conventional friendships, so we are pretty open and motivated to find companionship. When we are put together with those with whom we have so much in common in terms of desires, challenges and experiences, it is little surprise that we make friends much more easily.

Wildside in particular, with its total non-discrimination regarding one’s place on the TG spectrum, and its way of bringing us all together in social situations from intense partying to relaxed conversation, encourages connections between all the participants.

Then, nature just takes its course.