A Little Too Nonchalant

As  I recounted a few weeks ago in the post Batting My Eyelashes, I was pulled over by police while driving, and though I fully knew I would have to give the officer my real driver’s license, I wasn’t the slightest bit trepidatious.

I began to think about this a bit.

I have been out and about so often these days, and have gotten so comfortable doing so, that I really only fear two things now: seeing someone I know as a guy who doesn’t know Janie, and all the dangers out there that women generally have to contend with.

The police don’t really fall into either category.

Truth be told, though, he could have made life pretty unpleasant for me.  I may not have been fully appreciative of the pickle I was in.

And that’s the thing.

I may be getting carried away with the joy and success of my feminine life and losing sight of some of the subtle but serious dangers I court every day.

This was a wakeup call.  I’d best not hit the snooze button and fall back asleep.

(Sign from www.hemmy.net)