The Long Wait

Bathroom use for tgirls seems to be all the rage as a hot-button issue for the acceptance of trans people – a ridiculous shame of digression and distraction.

In any event, I had a bit of a challenging experience yesterday.  I usually just go in, quietly proceed to an open stall, do my business and get out without making an issue of the whole thing.

But, the restaurant where I was last night had a women’s washroom that had a beautiful waiting area complete with vinyl sofa and it was meant to be used; there were only 2 little cabinets off in the corner.  The restaurant is rather large, so it should come as little surprise that there was a line – and there would always be a line…

So, it was either hold it in for the entire meal, or queue up.

The fact that the line was inside the washroom only served to make things more uncomfortable for me.

…and there was no avoiding the social aspect of waiting with other women…

It was a very intimidating experience for me.

Well, I will spare you the details, but I survived.  Still, it certainly was the least comfortable bathroom experience I’ve had as a gurl.

I realized that at any moment, one of the women might realize that I was not biologically female, and might care enough to cause a scene.

I knew I would have just walked – no, run – out of there at the first sign of trouble, and that it is highly unlikely that anything terribly bad would have happened to me.

But, it is not a nice feeling to have…