passport for gender traveler

Right-On Down-Under

As you all know, I am a gender-traveler – not only from one gender to the other, but from one place to another.

My “home and native land” of Canada has disappointed me with its restrictive laws, which are unnecessary to any constructive purpose.  I recounted my dismay with Canadian air travel laws in a recent post (click here).

By contrast, I read today that Australia has enacted new rules that allow their citizens to acquire a passport with gender designated as M, F or X (for indeterminate), with only a doctor’s letter of support.  No surgery, no imminent surgery, no proof of medical condition required.

The X designation is particularly interesting and progressive, and would seem to allow someone like me to travel as either gender according to their pleasure.

It will be interesting to see how this designation fares at border crossings and security checkpoints (and bathrooms) around the world.

In backwards countries like Canada, where it is a requirement of boarding that one’s ostensible gender be determined and compared to one’s identification, what will we do?

Can we possibly ever feel safe to fly again?