Public School Crossdressing Day

Item from the local paper:

“The student council at King City Public School thought a great way to celebrate “school spirit” day would be for the boys to dress like girls and the girls to dress like boys. But what began as an offbeat suggestion for a fun day quickly became fodder for an intense debate over family values, the psychological implications of cross-dressing and whether gender identity politics were being forced on young minds.”

Once this event came to the attention of a certain Reverend, who is described as “a staunch social conservative who has expressed concerns in the past about a “homosexual agenda” in the school system” it became a whole brouhaha over gender politics in the schools, and was quickly withdrawn, despite the principal’s insistence that it was the students’ idea.

I’m not sure where I come down on this one, but I am sure that some of the comments on this story illustrate how much ignorance and hatred still percolates below the surface in our society, even in more “enlightened” locales.  It is not so much the actual words but the underlying sentiments that worry me.

A few examples to suffice:

  • “Boys are boys and girls are girls – the riduculous left-wing notion that “gender is a fluid social construct” must be destroyed.”
  • “Perversion is mistaken sexual identity, and cross-dressing is mistaken sexual identity, so to think the one would have no effect on the other is a little bit non-credible… One who favors cross-dressing among impressionable school kids is supportive of much more than he may think he is. It is not innocent fun, and it had to have the support of not so “innocent” teachers to have been adopted as what would be the major learning experience of a day.”
  • “I think it’s wrong for the school to force these kids to be gay. Think of the children!”
  • “First – a confession. Homosexuals creep me out – especially fudge packers, so I certainly have no “gay agenda”. The adults who stupidly got involved in a bit of harmless pre-pubescent fun should seek professional help. Besides making asses of themselves, they have sent a message to the children that stuff like that is really, really important.  a non-existent issue has become important purely because of their domineering correctness. Arghhh!”

Now it’s your turn.  What say you?