dating advice

My Trans-Sexuality – Where I‘m Coming From

Here’s my dating advice for those of you interested in me or a trans woman like me…

Be a gentleman. It is so rare that you will instantly become a highly desirable commodity if you do that one little thing.

I understand that your sexual interest in me may have something to do with the ways in which I am different than a woman. You must understand that my interest in you will have everything to do with the ways in which I am the same as a woman.

Same as any woman

The upshot of this: I am not a man in a dress, I don’t get dressed to go out and have kinky sex from the “other side,” and I am not pretending to be feminine to prove a point to women. Neither am I out to reset female standards to those dreamed of by men. Rather, I bow to feminine expertise and experience and try to learn from them, because they know better. Women know the most about how to be feminine in a livable way, squeeze the maximum advantage out of their strengths and minimize their risks.

Also, I accept (and you should too) that the sexual restraint often practiced by women is not a plot to drive men nuts or exercise power over them, but mostly just being sensible, careful and taking care of their own needs.

I am not in the habit of going to a bar to meet someone for sex; nor do I expect to make real personal connections there. Rather, I would hope to meet people in the normal course of living, working, shopping, in a restaurant or café, at a dance lesson or wine club, in the supermarket, etc.

And that means I don’t “dress up as a woman” to go prowling; rather I just live daily life as a woman with the vast majority of time (though, by no means all of it) spent without a sexual thought, spent on work and achievement and charity and friendship. And I welcome the way in which each experience feels different from doing the same thing as a man.

And, I’m convinced that the best relationships come from just meeting people in the normal course of living, where there is a real personal connection.