gender equality

The Fundamental Relationship Between Gender Equality and Attitudes to Transgenderism

Have you ever considered that much of the resistance to MTF transgenderism is based in male chauvinism and misogyny and their equally ugly feminist sisters?

There really shouldn’t be much resistance to a man wishing to become a woman if we really do believe in equality, and if both genders are perceived in a positive light. There is no advantage if women are not superior or entitled to special rights, and there is no shame if women are not inferior. There is no betrayal of one or invasion of the other if the opposite gender is not viewed with suspicion.

Stepping down for preferential treatment

I think some people believe that perhaps women do get preferential treatment and object to a man who has been advantaged all his life by virtue of his gender, now changing genders and taking advantage of remedial policies.

I also think there are those who believe that it is quite a degradation to move from male to female, from the dominant, leading actor to a supporting, perhaps even decorative role.

For those who believe that women are lesser, that less is expected of them, a move from male to female could be considered a cop-out, or an abdication of adult responsibility.

And, for those of us who can be both, there are those who feel that it is unfair for someone to be able to cherry-pick their gender; to be a woman when there are affirmative action programs for jobs or university admissions, or when clubs offer free entry for ladies, or when disaster strikes and we continue to apply the anachronistic “women and children first” philosophy, or to compete in the women’s half of the Olympics or tennis tournaments but to change into a man when looking for a job or a promotion, or a preferential salary, or when going to an affair where women have to get all dressed up but men can go as they please, or getting into the “old boys’ club,” or having access to a washroom without lines (and standing to pee).

Pan-Gender is Neither Panacea nor Pandemic

Let’s all take a deep breath and remember that there are really very few people in the world who can see their way clear to changing their genders, and still far fewer that can pull off the dual-gender bit.

The rarity of the behaviour should itself indicate that those who do undertake it aren’t kidding about it.

And further, those of us who are in some way crossing gender lines know well the resistance in society – a further impediment and discouragement to anyone thinking about doing it. Far from an advantage it is much more frequently a terrible disadvantage.

Point being: though theoretically, a dual-gendered person has the world by the tail, in reality there is little to fear of this; a tiny percentage of people wish to do it, a small fraction of those actually can in a way that doesn’t invite ridicule from everyone they meet, and the advantages of being able to choose gender by the moment are debatable and dubious.

Beyond that, we do believe in equality, don’t we? And we love each other, don’t we?

Don’t we?