Politics and Opinion

disclose or die redhead transwoman janie

Disclose or Die

I just read an article cataloging several examples of how trans woman have been beaten to death for failure to disclose their status and how society has condoned or defended the perpetrators of these vicious acts. It has left me with feelings of sadness and outright disgust at the inner hatred that boils within so many people, including those in positions of authority who are supposed to protect the most vulnerable.

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Tgirl Janie Black's Christmas Holiday Photo

Holiday Time

I hope everyone’s been safe and sane all year, and that the holiday season brings you joy and happiness – and lots of good prezzies.

Here’s hoping those who choose to focus their energies and careers on running other people’s lives renew (of find for the first time) their true devotion to public service and love of their fellow human beings.

There is no excuse in this day and age in societies whose minds have expanded to assimilate the concepts of the human genome, nanotechnology and such, that those same minds can be closed to the relatively simple concepts of the endless variety of the human experience and the ways embracing diversity enriches the human race.

More to the point, how can we not realize the obvious fact that compassion and love given freely return far greater rewards than bigotry and hate.

gender equality

The Fundamental Relationship Between Gender Equality and Attitudes to Transgenderism

Have you ever considered that much of the resistance to MTF transgenderism is based in male chauvinism and misogyny and their equally ugly feminist sisters?

There really shouldn’t be much resistance to a man wishing to become a woman if we really do believe in equality, and if both genders are perceived in a positive light. There is no advantage if women are not superior or entitled to special rights, and there is no shame if women are not inferior. There is no betrayal of one or invasion of the other if the opposite gender is not viewed with suspicion.

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mixed gender role

Converging Gender Roles – Crossover Was Inevitable

I realize that almost everyone adopts a gender role that is consistent with their sex, but is there any good reason why I should overrule my desire to do otherwise?

There are men and there are women; it should come as no surprise that there are people in between – both man and woman/neither man nor woman/man acting feminine/woman acting masculine/man looking like woman, etc.

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transgender bathroom politics

Legal Protections for Transgender Folks

Shortly after the city of Phoenix passed a law broadly outlawing discrimination against transgender people, Republicans in the Arizona state government responded by proposing a law criminalizing the use of gender-designated bathrooms by people whose birth certificates don’t match that designation.

The justification given for such legislation is that, if people born male were allowed to go into women’s bathrooms, it would open the door to sexual predators sharing bathrooms with women and girls.

Evidently, boys are not worthy of protection.

Nor, it seems, are transgender people.

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gender choice

Transgender – Gender Choice or Need?

In response to my previous post asserting that, for me, living a female life is a choice, one commentator expressed an interesting challenge to that thinking, and one that I feel deserves a post of its own in response:

I wonder if you were required to put Janie away how long it would be before her needs started to show up in ways that you might not expect or find comfortable. I’ve heard the same story from a lot of us that when their female sides were pushed out of sight she pushed back. Nothing is worse than a “T” girl scorned for she will become a real bitch until she is once again free. The free girl is pleasant and relaxed while the closeted one is anything but.

Into a not so scientific experiment? Why don’t you put Janie away and see how long it takes for the choice to become a need?

I don’t have to “put Janie away” for even a minute to realize that I would be pretty miserable without her. All I have to do is think about doing so and I start to get agitated.

That settles nothing, however.

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gender presentation

Mixed Up Gender Presentation

Despite being a mix of genders – at least when I am Janie – I try to come off as one or the other. And, I do so with good reason.

We live in society – y’know, among other people. 99% (a rough, but undoubtedly fair approximation) understand gender in the binary sense – and to a large extent, so do I.

Presenting oneself outside this presumption will surely turn heads, and likely noses too. If you have a renegade complex, maybe that suits you; it doesn’t me.

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androgynous model pejic

Beyond Gender

Most people agree that there is male and there is female, and with the exception of a precious few folks on this planet, everyone is either one gender or the other.

Then came Andrej Pejic, called by New York Magazine “The Prettiest Boy in the World. (http://nymag.com/fashion/11/fall/andrej-pejic/ )” His androgyny is well-known, being that he models high fashion for both genders, but what’s more interesting is that he says that his gender is entirely a matter of perception and, that professionally, he has left his gender open to artistic interpretation.

“It’s not like, ‘Okay, today I want to look like a man, or today I want to look like a woman,’ ” he says. “I want to look like me. It just so happens that some of the things I like are feminine.”

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wrong body

Gender and the Wrong Body

The original post started as follows: “So, I’ve been told that to describe a trans person as “being born in the wrong body” is simplistic and offensive.”

When I originally happened upon this discussion in Fetlife (link only works if you’re a member of Fetlife, sorry)  I didn’t think it would amount to anything other than some very sensitive people having their say.

The first few responses were predictable: y’know, stuff like “everyone has their own point of view…,” “ask the offended person for their personal reason…,” blah, blah, blah…

So, I dutifully responded: “It may be simplistic, but simple ways of describing things are usually very effective. Offensive? – well some people get offended by anything.  If I had to guess, I would say that if you do the math, telling someone they have a man’s body makes them a man, so someone who feels themself a woman could be put off. Perhaps they would prefer “a woman who is uncomfortable with the incompatible sexual characteristics of her body.”

A Female’s Body is a Female Body

The next responder put it much better and more succinctly:

“Because the person is a woman, thus, it is a woman’s body. That it does not conform to society’s preconceptions of “female” is irrelevant.”

…and we were on our way…

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locker room rights

Competing Rights – Our Rights Are Not the Only Ones That Matter

Selfish f&%king people!

I may be a bit late to this story (as it was dated November 3) but that’s the only way I know how to react to an ABC News report about Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington, allowing a 46-year old pre- or non-op MTF transgender student to use the women’s locker room that is shared with Capital High School Swim Club and a children’s swim academy.

I am steaming!!

The Incident

  “‘[A mother] reported her daughter was upset because she observed a person at the women’s locker room naked and displaying male genitalia,’ said a police report filed in September by a mother on behalf of her 17-year-old daughter… According to parents… the student has exposed her male genitalia, in one instance in the sauna…”

The school says it is following the law regarding non-discrimination based on gender-identity, which requires them to accommodate this student.

My problem is with the student. WTF MTF?! What is the matter with you?

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