Transgender Life

nail polish

Nail Polish Prison

I put nail polish on my fingernails a few days ago, and wow, what an incredible intrusion it has been in my life!

…no, not really in a bad way; more of an enlightenment really.

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pierced ears - beyond limits

Strange Limits

Funny what limits we set for ourselves…

I live my life as Janie well over half the time; I go out for walks in the neighborhood; I drive, shop, go out to eat.

On a different tack, I have done laser to make my body and face hairless, and I have grown my hair out.

But, strange as it may seem, one thing I can’t bring myself to do is pierce my ears.

Allow me to explain.

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ladies at Home Depot

Ladies, What Ladies?

It actually took me by surprise, my reaction to this clerk referring to me and my GF as “ladies.”

We started the day going out for coffee and pedicures, followed by a stop on our way home at Home Depot. We needed to get some answers about some work that needed to be done at our home, what was involved, whether we could do it ourselves or have to hire someone, what it all would cost, etc., etc.

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Honoring My Roots – Y’know, Hair-wise

Ah, the mysteries of hair color… They say that blondes have more fun. Heck they say I’m blonde… What do they know?

I’m a redhead – the rarest of the basic hair colors. We natural redheads constitute only 1-2% of humanity. Of redheads, Johnathan Swift wrote,

6b48eea19eccd8fc05a47d424aef7743“It is observed that the red-haired of both sexes are more libidinous and mischievous than the rest, whom yet they much exceed in strength and activity.”

Explains a lot… 😉

(For those who want to read more about redheads, try here.)


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For Trans Women, Respect of Women is Self-Respect

When I first started out as Janie, I heard that many people considered t-girls misogynistic. I couldn’t believe my ears, feeling that imitation is the highest form of flattery.

But, I do understand now.

There is a cohort of “t-girls” who disrespect themselves and in so doing disrespect women.

They assume the role of womanhood mainly for the purpose of co-opting feminine values in the service of their own masculine desires.

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skin deep

Skin Deep

I am pretty hard on myself. But sometimes, the judgments I pass on myself have implications for my understanding of being a tgirl generally.

I sometimes see masculinity in myself in place of my femininity, and I recoil. I know I can fix it through an adjustment of clothing, makeup, hairstyle or attitude, and everything will be ok.

But, what if I couldn’t?

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gender norms not

Miss and Match

I am still having trouble conceptualizing my feelings about gender in certain respects.

We are all, to some extent, a blend of the masculine and the feminine, and transfolk more emphatically so.

But I find certain manifestations of this hard to understand, even as I accept the person’s right to be the way they are.

I know I have mentioned this before but I think I have a bit of a better handle on it now: the way I perceive a photo of a man with a beard, wearing a dress. I am sorry, but I find it to be off-putting. This is just an honest reaction. Obviously his concept of what’s attractive and mine are quite different. Nothing wrong with that.

But, it sets me to wondering why I find his choices so unattractive…

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Discord – Masculinity and Makeup in the Mirror

I have spoken in the past about the feelings of discord that come from seeing my masculinity contaminate the feminine image I seek to project.

I have offered thoughts on the concept of shame and implied gender chauvinism (as in, “Why would you do that to a perfectly good guy?”).

But, I am coming to a different realization these days…

I don’t think it has anything to do with demeaning the male inside me, delusion or questions about the validity of my femininity.

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god wouldn't allow a name change

What’s in a Name?

An Oklahoma judge has twice now refused to grant a name change to a transsexual on the basis that it would be assisting “that which is fraudulent.”

In his esteemed opinion, SRS doesn’t change DNA and therefore attempting to appear as a woman while still a man is fraudulent.

In case that doesn’t convince you, he quoted the bible for the authority that God intended men to stay men and women to stay women.

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womanly essence

Womanly Essence

Y’know, I asked the question a few posts back on the essence of womanhood, or what it means to be a woman, but then I barely touched on the answer.

There are those who focus on body parts. Others insist that it is chromosomes that matter.

I think that on a practical basis, both miss the point.

The way I see it, a person who goes out in the world as a woman, behaves as women are known to behave, accepts the privileges and restrictions that pertain to women… that person is, for all practical purposes, a woman.

Of course, male-bodied individuals who wish to assume this role cannot conceive children, but many women-born-women cannot either.

Is there a good reason to restrict our conception of women to those with the right body parts or chromosomes? I don’t really see it.

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